Roots and Wings - CVUUS Annual Stewardship Campaign July 2025 - June 2026

Please fill out this form and click submit.

Again this year we invite people to give on behalf of people who are financially struggling - see our "We've Got You Covered!" gift available at the bottom of the form.
Online entries (here) are easiest for us to handle - email Mary at with any issues/questions or if you'd prefer a paper form. 
You can contact Cara Mosier (CVUUS Bookkeeper) or Mary Hadley (Stewardship Campaign Treasurer) to remind you of your current status, if necessary.  You can also just comment that you'd like to keep your giving the same, or increase/ decrease by x% or $y - if that is easier.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
A few years ago we started a Sustainer designation (similar to other organizations) and now are modifying that so that your gift amount will be considered ongoing until you change it.
Please select one option.
We've (Still) Got You Covered - one time additional gift

Planned Giving and/or Stock Gifts

Please select all that apply.
If you'd like to make credit card payments now:



Please fill out this form and click submit.

Again this year we invite people to give on behalf of people who are financially struggling - see our "We've Got You Covered!" gift available at the bottom of the form.